Pulmapäev pruudi perspektiivist

Jon (2017-03-29 13:20:50):
This is a true inspiration
Tae (2016-09-15 01:24:51):
It's a beautiful moments!
pol (2016-04-10 09:58:23):
Beautiful idea :)
Congrats on the marriage !
Irada (2016-02-15 22:08:34):
Lihtsalt Ilus!
tervitused Azerbaijaanist
josh (2015-12-23 02:04:36):
Derek (2015-11-16 03:02:31):
Which lens did you use?
Joaquin (2015-11-12 14:40:24):
I just want to mention I am very new to blnggiog and site-building and absolutely liked your web blog. Probably I’m want to bookmark your website . You definitely have excellent article content. Thanks for sharing with us your web-site.
Ani (2015-10-17 16:25:05):
What can be better than this?
I love how you decided to be yourselves on your wedding day also.
Ruca (2015-10-15 10:01:25):
Very nice! Happy life together! Loved the MX-5!!!
Monika (2015-10-13 17:58:49):
Love your photos! You had an incredible wedding and I wish you an incredible life together xxx
Christopher (2015-10-12 09:59:47):
I hope your life together will be as excellent as these photos! Congratulations from Paris. Vive les mariés!
Ernest (2015-10-07 05:54:56):
What an awesome album. Your pictures are great and have so much character. All the best!
Molly (2015-10-07 03:50:10):
Gorgeous photos; all the best to you both from Wisconsin, USA...
Jessica (2015-10-07 00:11:10):
me encanto muy lindo, sencillo, y hermosos :D
Linda (2015-10-04 21:11:13):
Simply beautiful ~ thank you for sharing, I enjoyed being in the moment with you ~ Peace, Joy, and Happiness. God Bless
Lorraine (2015-10-04 05:19:02):
It's all so beautiful and lovely. See this photos make us feel much of your moment.
Kisses from Brazil - Rio de Janeiro!
-J (2015-10-04 03:17:17):
Terviseks! Tere from California:)
Mircha (2015-10-04 02:31:31):
Congratulations!!! I wish the best for your new life together n__n
Beatiful photoshoot!!!
Thanks for share it
Eve (2015-10-03 13:44:18):
Lihtsalt vastupandamatu... avastan end ikka ja jälle FHL-st teie lugu imetlemast.Ei tea kuna küll saab, või-olla siis, kui võtan endale veel ühe nurrumootori lisaks olemasolevale... seekord punasekarvalise...:)
Fernando (2015-10-03 12:10:01):
Rak (2015-10-03 07:59:53):
Amazing, very emotional, I'm almost crying... So authentic, so real. Congratulations, for your wedding and your talent!
Carolina (2015-10-01 11:48:36):
Beautiful beautiful beautiful fotoshoot! Congratulations and the best wishes for the just married couple!! <3 <3 <3
Maria (2015-10-01 01:54:32):
lo amo
Liisa (2015-09-30 20:21:18):
Thank you, all of you! Reading your nice words make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I don't know if you'll look back here for the answers but i'll try to respond to the questions here.
Michael, no, we did not have a second shooter. I took only a few pictures during the ceremony but didn't have really that much time and attention for it then. Also my friends took some photos with their phones, so i've seen a bit how the ceremony looked for other people too. But it's not important for me or us to have high quality photos of the ceremony itself.
Terry, yes, we're from and live in Estonia.
Martyna, the dress is from UK brand Needle & Thread.
Swanzy, no film involved, it's a digital camera. The lens were 27mm f2.8.
Thanks again!
Zaida (2015-09-30 18:09:16):
Demasiado hermoso¡¡¡¡¡ felicitaciones¡¡¡
Cicero Ferreira (2015-09-30 17:04:12):
Sou brasileiro e fotógrafo de casamentos. Achei maravilhoso seu trabalho. Lhe desejo uma ótima união. Mil felicidades.
serge (2015-09-30 14:55:41):
Gran día!!.
Felicitaciones de todo corazón por este auto-reportaje tan hermoso!!
(Great day!!. Congratulations wholeheartedly for this self-reporting so beautiful !!)
emilie (2015-09-30 12:37:45):
Congrats!!!! love the album, especially the last photo! gorgeous!! all the best to you both, guys! <3
Tomás peñalver (2015-09-30 11:36:43):
Perfectas, son las fotos de boda más bonitas que he visto nunca. Seguir así.
Best regards,
Tomás Peñalver
Michael Rapp (2015-09-29 13:35:40):
Hi, I love your images. It is really refreshing to see a complete different approach on a wedding than everything else. The images have this unbelievable intimate feeling.
The only question is: Did you have any pictures of the ceremony itself? And if yes, did you also take them yourself or was there a second shooter.
Diana Magalhães (2015-09-27 12:18:18):
Muitos parabéns uma ideia magnifica, e as fotos estão lindas,muitas felicidades de Portugal! Translating: congratulations, a magnificient idea the fotos are truly beautiful, long years of hapiness here from Portugal. Kissies Diana Magalhães
felicidades (2015-09-26 14:19:36):
FELICIDADES!!!! hermosas fotgrafias...una perspectiva sutil y fresca de un evento tan impòrtante!!! que su vida diaria siga si...sencilla, espontanea y fresca!!
johan (2015-09-25 17:11:50):
beautiful wedding, humble and true, congratulation, great pictures too
Helder Vieira (2015-09-25 16:15:10):
Awesome! All the best :)
Congratulations from Portugal!
Yoram (2015-09-25 05:53:22):
Touching, original, creative, inspiring, intimate, artistic, full of love.
And everything is so aesthetic... including the houses, the restaurants and the people. Wishing you the best of all, greetings from Israel.
Kate (2015-09-25 05:13:32):
This is really lovely! So odd that the perspective of the couple is typically and "traditionally" just the interpretation of a faceless industrial complex.
Nitesh Mittal (2015-09-24 12:47:33):
Stupendous & Out of the World Experience
With Loads of love to THE COUPLE
shobha (2015-09-24 03:47:26):
Awesome and congrats
Eyad (2015-09-23 18:26:53):
So inspiring..
Congrats for both of you
Yoram (2015-09-23 17:19:42):
Touching, original, creative, inspiring, intimate, artistic, full of love.
And everything is so aesthetic... including the houses, the restaurants and the people. Wishing you the best of all, greetings from Israel.
Génesis (2015-09-23 15:27:11):
i think that's the best way to remember your moment. that inspired me as a photographer!! Kisses ang hugs from Venezuela.
Paulo Pereira (2015-09-23 13:34:06):
"Que as eternas emoções vivam eternamente nos momentos"
Ipshita Sengupta (2015-09-23 06:50:44):
Amazingly clicked. Memories to be cherished for a lifetime. Best wishes to both of you
Congratulations (2015-09-22 17:50:12):
I'm from Brazil. Very beautiful your
photografies. Happyness for you. Hugs...
Ana (2015-09-22 12:28:41):
Mikel (2015-09-21 22:11:31):
Hermoso!! Beautiful!! ♥
Martin (2015-09-21 19:32:25):
Fantasticke fotky + Fuji
Zelam vela stastia do zivota :)
Martin (mtone1)/ Slovakia
manny (2015-09-21 16:41:37):
sweet photos! and congrats on getting married!
Kim Timothy Engh (2015-09-21 15:15:29):
Fantastic pictures. Just love them :)
Terry Krause (2015-09-21 13:01:27):
Imeliselt lahe idee ja sa pead teadma, fotograaf väga hästi! Nagu ma olen kaetud paljud pulmad,see on mõnikord raske tabada väga erilised hetked ilma muutumas paparazzi. Sinu isiklik "sissetungi" oli parim! Ma ei räägi oma keelt,kuid olen ma parandage oled Eestis? (Thank you, Google Translator)
Wonderfully cool idea and you must know the photographer very well! As I've covered many weddings, it's sometimes difficult to capture those very special moments without becoming a paparazzi. Your personal "intrusion" was the BEST! I don't speak your language, but am I correct you're in Estonia?
Melania (2015-09-21 12:39:24):
Congratulations !
You had a wonderful idea ... your marriage seems a modern fairy tale !!
Greetings from Italy
Iris (2015-09-21 06:10:41):
Hello from ISRAEL
It's Amazing!!
I love it!!
Bravo (2015-09-21 06:04:01):
Lovely job very
I'Love Fuji Too
Taylor (2015-09-21 05:21:24):
inspiring & very, very beautiful. congrats to you both :* xoxo
Rose Polizzi (2015-09-21 04:53:31):
Superbe, bravo ! Félicitations !
Miro (2015-09-21 02:59:28):
Excellent work!
You should publish a book.
Michael (2015-09-21 02:45:28):
I am so thankful for your pictures and this project. I felt a real emotional connection looking at them. So unique and real. No phony ones here.
מוטי (2015-09-21 01:32:08):
יופי של ×—×ª×•× ×”, ויופי של ×ª×ž×•× ×•×ª.
מקורי מ×ד מ×ד ×ישי.
מ×חל ×œ×›× ×©× ×™× ×¨×‘×•×ª וטובות ביחד
Pablo (2015-09-20 23:11:41):
Muchísimas Felicidades, pareja!!!
Michael (2015-09-20 16:35:16):
Wow, beautifully done! Great work!
Nattachai Charunnarmsirikul (2015-09-20 16:27:27):
Superb! Well done!
synyan (2015-09-20 11:03:31):
Hello! First of all: Nice shooting! I come from China and from a photography forum I see your shoots. Personally I own four Fuji cameras and five lens. Well, you did pretty good for selfies. Congratulations and happy marriage! --John Shen from Wuxi, China.
Barni (2015-09-20 10:57:33):
That is an amazing self-portrait of your wedding! Coole idea and inspiring.
Greating from a X-Shooter....
Caitlin (2015-09-20 06:44:57):
Beautiful, inspiring, charming and the most delightful thing I've witnessed in a long time! I opened "We Were Born Canaries", 'My Beat', and watched it while scrolling through... made it that much more touching! Be well, and all the best to both of you! <3
Carrie (2015-09-20 04:42:43):
so fantastic!
jose martin santes (2015-09-20 03:25:10):
Hello guys nice perspective about your photography.. excellent, nice and wonderful have great moments always and hello from Veracruz Mexico!
Martyna (2015-09-19 19:31:19):
It's absolutely beautiful. But there is something I have to ask you- where did you buy this wonderful dress? It's more than gorgeous, I can't sleep because of it!
Rox (2015-09-19 19:25:33):
This is beautiful.
Laura (2015-09-19 14:25:28):
avastan ennast juba teist ja kolmandat korda siia blogisse tagasi tulemas, et teie ilusat lugu vaadata. imekaunis, palju õnne!
Carlos (2015-09-19 14:23:58):
so simple. so cute. so marvellous. tks for your share. be happy
Marina (2015-09-19 13:11:14):
Congratulations for such awesome photos and such happy day. I wish you many happy years to come !!!
Mayuri Mishra (2015-09-19 13:04:56):
Hi. Many Many Congratulations to you both!!
This was really an amazing idea. Have a great life ahead!!
Anna-Liisa (2015-09-19 08:55:14):
Viimane pilt on mu vaieldamatu lemmik. See siiras emotsioon toob pisara silma. :)
Palju-palju õnne teile, kaunid inimesed!
Amelia (2015-09-19 00:20:57):
love this so much, so honest. beautiful. congratulations.
Alabama Whitman (2015-09-18 21:26:34):
Marvin (2015-09-18 18:00:54):
Intiimsus ja inimesed teineteises
Eve (2015-09-18 17:41:39):
Nii juhtub, kui lihtne siirus kohtub perfektselt hea maitsega... väheste looming paneb südame tugevamini tuksuma, hinge kinni hoidma ja tekitab soovi toolilt püsti karata...
kõike head teile kahele...
Ron (2015-09-18 15:34:10):
Fantastic! Absolutely beautiful set!
mm (2015-09-18 15:05:11):
Oh, I shared one of your pics, in my tumblr: desideratovoce.tumblr.com..
inspired me (2015-09-18 15:02:25):
This photos (feelings) are so awesome, so fuckin beautiful that i want this, so inspire, OMG, congrats on make this event so original and amazing.. I'm jealous, in a good way. Thanks for sharing this
sofia (2015-09-18 10:45:45):
incredibly fabulous... awesome... love these...
all the best for you two and congratulations
Suhaib (2015-09-18 09:23:11):
Congratulations on the Wedding! This is inspiring, thank you for sharing.
Swanzy (2015-09-18 07:46:36):
What film did you shoot with? What lens did you use? It's beautiful
edis tamošauskas (2015-09-18 05:03:33):
you did it all, congrats you both
Liisa (2015-09-17 16:40:24):
Thank you all for the kind words and wishes, I couldn't be happier. Thanks again!
Majesty (2015-09-17 16:36:18):
Last photo is the best one. It's totally your wedding day. Congratulation for your love and marriage.
manu (2015-09-17 14:06:40):
I love the last one. Remembering the day in disbelief :) congrats
Aga (2015-09-17 12:07:39):
So good!!!
Romain (2015-09-17 11:35:39):
Vous venez de faire rêver.
Romain, from Normandy, France.
Phil (2015-09-17 09:30:13):
WOW, this is a very cool idea! Congrats on the wedding.
Michii (2015-09-17 09:01:58):
i didnt understand what was written before this box but I just hope this reaches you. Congratulations on your love and I wish you both the very best. <3 photographing your wedding is totally sweet. You guys are great! Keep loving each other through thick and thin. #weddinggoals
Ahmad Barokah (2015-09-17 06:30:40):
Love it
Frank (2015-09-16 17:02:06):
Einfach wunderbar.
jonny (2015-09-16 16:54:41):
WOW! Truly inspirational x
Katrin (2015-09-16 11:30:20):
Kaunilt eluline ja väga armas seeria. Viimane pilt on lemmik. :)
Anggie Firiera (2015-09-16 11:02:04):
Congrats for both of you :) Very inspiring!
Harlem (2015-09-16 07:53:39):
Congratulations to your wedding and these inspiring idea on wedding photography.
Sam (2015-09-16 07:40:39):
aco hsu (2015-09-16 07:27:10):
They're really nature,touching and fresh wedding photoing. awesome
Jason Lucas (2015-09-16 03:33:10):
I'm all for doing whatever makes you feel alive and happy. These are amazing and such a refreshing perspective:)
Colin (2015-09-16 02:33:11):
Congratulations on your wedding. Your photos bring a completely different perspective than the usual wedding photography and looking at them is refreshing and feels more intimate.
Love it <3 (2015-09-16 02:28:06):
Awesome! I work at Dell and I am online all day and I see sooo many photos, stories, blogs, ext... but I stumbled upon this site and I was touched by these photos and could actually feel them. Great Job!
Caroline Ghetes (2015-09-16 02:13:33):
very refreshing and unique. really loved looking through these.
benj haisch (2015-09-16 02:03:36):
this is amazing. well done.
jesus caballero (2015-09-16 01:34:48):
really nice, brave and intimate, I love it!!!
G. (2015-09-16 00:36:06):
Me encantan. (Mx)
arin (2015-09-16 00:20:47):
These are great! So inspiring.
Adonye Jaja (2015-09-15 23:22:43):
so wonderful
Art Chang (2015-09-15 20:58:11):
this are fantastic! that last photo is just incredible to top it all off.
Annika (2015-09-15 11:36:24):
Väga armas ♡
Liina (2015-09-09 05:47:23):
Äärmiselt andekas ja lihtne! Suurepärane mõte! Palju õnne Teile, ilusad inimesed!
Liisa (2015-09-08 21:44:38):
Aitähid heade sõnade ja õnnesoovide eest! :)
Laura-Liis (2015-09-08 17:31:03):
Väga inspireeriv - igas mõttes. Värvikaid seiklusi!
Egle (2015-09-08 11:29:15):
Armsad ja liigutavad pildid. Ilusad ja TÕELISED inimesed :) Abiellusin juuli lõpus ning samuti oli soov vältida kõike, mille ette käiks sõna pulm. Seega juuksuris tehti soeng, lilled korjasin põllult,pilte tegi fotograaf ja söödi torti. Külaliste sõnul oli üks toredamatest pulmadest, kus nad käinud on ja meil endil oli stressivaba ja väga lõbus päev.
Andra (2015-09-08 08:57:37):
Pure. Awesoemess!
Palju palju õnne teile!
shk (2015-09-07 09:29:46):
Cool beans. Õnne!
Marge (2015-09-07 08:29:27):
Midagi nii originaalset ja lahedat ei ole mu silmad juba pikka aega näinud!!! :D
ÜLIKIFTID võtted, emotsioonid, järelemotsioonid, mõtted, ideed, teostused!!! :) (Y)
Palju palju palju õnne teile!!! :)